Flat Bed Towing in Action. Car on the Towing Car Being Towed Out.
Flat Bed Towing in Action. Car on the Towing Car Being Towed Out.

Flatbed Towing Service – Flexible Pricing Options Available

Any guy with a truck and hook can tow a car – that’s the easy part. If you want the trip to be damage-free, well requires a certain finesse and the right equipment, namely the flatbed tow truck.

Although there are several kinds of tow trucks that are available – with each of them being useful in their own way – when used properly, a flat bed truck is especially beneficial for everyday customers because it offers the best chance to avoid those inadvertent dings.

Why use a flatbed? Since the vehicle is riding on a flatbed while it is being towed, it saves a lot of wear and tear on its tires, as well as other parts that tend to be affected by spinning wheels.

Located in Cleveland Ohio and interested in a flatbed tow?  Call Speedy Fleet Towing Service today at (757) 938-3378

Here’s some reason why Speedy Fleet Towing  should be on your speed-dial for all your roadside service needs…

  • Experienced, local professionals highly reviewed in Cleveland
  • With 15+ years towing  under our belt we are the best at what we do
  • 24/7 unrestricted access to the best owing company
  • Flatbed tow trucks service close by your roadside service call
  • Affordable flat rate cost within Cleveland
  • The best towing service you can get around Cleveland

While it may look easy, loading a vehicle on a flatbed takes some finesse.  Here’s how we do it…